The Legacy of a Dream

The dream of Dr. William V. Banks was to bring programs, for and about African Americans to the airwaves. To realize his dream Banks had to overcome a chorus of skeptics. He was told African Americans could not obtain a license to launch a TV station, did not have the required capital, lacked skilled talent in the community, and that advertisers would not buy time on a black-owned station.

In time the skeptics were proved wrong, WGPR Channel 62 went on air on September 29, 1975, and for the next 20 years brought much-needed ethnic diversity to local television. He understood the power and influence media owners had on the perspectives and cultural identity of a community.

“I have always believed that Black-owned broadcasting stations are important to the community and to Black people. Without them, there can be distortion and a lack of vital information for both minority and majority communities. ”A Legacy of a Dreams, The Life and Contributions of Dr. William Venoid Banks” by Sheila Gregory, granddaughter of Dr. Banks.

Founder William V. Banks